
Michał Putz
Age: 38
Height: 178cm
I work as a Mountain Biking Coach and thanks to my professionalism and commitment, I have managed to earn the respect and appreciation of the people of Wroclaw and the surrounding area. Training with the most talented athletes in the world has helped me develop unique and effective teaching methods. I prepare you to compete with the best and ensure that your body and mind are fully focused on the game.
How long have you been riding Whyte?
I've been riding Whyte since 2017What is your riding style and what fascinates you about it?
Riding in any style :) I come from the old school of mountain biking - uphill and downhill.

Przemek Kita
My name is Przemek Kita. I am 40 years old and come from Bielsko-Biała. I am a photographer and a passionate gravity cyclist. I have been cycling since 2006. It started in the UK when I signed up to a local downhill club. At the same time I was doing photographic coverage at dh competitions. The cycling/photography inquisition cultivated over the years led me to the Whyte Bikes brand. In 2016 I did my first photo shoot with a Whyte Racing rider. I had opportunities to test the bikes, which I really enjoyed. Since then, I have only ridden Whyte Bikes.
How long have you been riding Whyte and what kind of bike do you own?
The first model was the S-150s, then the S-150c-rs. I currently own a G-180s model. All models on 29 inch wheels and due to my height (191cm) xl size frames.
What is your riding style and what fascinates you about it?
I am comfortable on heavily rocky, challenging trails. I like to ride fast and look for the shortest possible line of travel.

Tomasz Kubik
Age: 47
Height: 178cm
I used to ride in the Polish DH Cup in the Masters category (2010, 2011, 2012). Currently I don't compete in competitions. I am the organiser of such events as Extreme Jam and the IDA World Dj Championships (I am the president of the International Dj Association) I am also the founder of the legendary Krakow hip-hop label Zooteka. He produces films, music videos and murals.
How long have you been riding Whyte and what kind of bike do you own?
I've been riding since 1999, on a Whyte since 2022. In my spare time I date Walter Whyte - that's the nickname of my G-180 V2What is your driving style and what fascinates you about it?
I like climbs, my riding style is conditioned, aggressive enduro with a lot of DH influence.

Maximilian Lubaczewski
Wiek: 20 lat
Wzrost: 194cm
W 2018 roku miał swój debiut w zawodach Enduro (Joyride) i od wtedy intensywnie się rozwija w tym obszarze kolarstwa. W tym samym roku wziął udział w Mistrzostwach Polski i miał możliwość spróbowania swoich sił przeciwko najszybszym zawodnikom z Polski. Rok później ponownie startuje na Joyride i poprawia swoje wyniki o 3,5 minuty. Bierze też udział w wyścigu On-Sight zapoznając się z jego formułą.
Od kiedy jeździsz na Whyte i jaki posiadasz rower?
Aktualnie Max nie ściga się w zawodach, jeździ w każdej wolnej chwili i dalej rozwija swoje umiejętności. Zajmuje się tworzeniem treści na stronę oraz social media.